Whole Child Development

Our goal at Kids Kampus Academy is to provide God-centered learning experiences that develop our students’ maximum academic, social, physical, emotional, spiritual and creative potential. Whole Child development is achieved by integrating these six core areas through hands-on, creative curriculum.

We seek to instill in our students a positive self-image and a respect for God and others. This will be achieved by providing a total educational experience based upon the word of God.

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Cognitive skills are developed through activities like sorting, sequencing, color recognition and letter recognition.
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Students gain experience in conflict resolution and how to be kind and loving.
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Social skills include: sharing, caring, dramatic play, eating lunch together and sharing about our day.
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We emphasize God’s love for each student through prayer time and Bible stories.
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Large motor skills are developed by dancing, running, jumping, throwing, and climbing during recess.
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Fine motor skills are developed through writing, cutting, stringing beads & playdough.


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